Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday links

This article from the New York Times on decision-making fatigue is fascinating, and definitely applies to conductors. I have often said to friends, "No, I make decisions all day, I can't make any more, you decide what we should cook for dinner," but I didn't realize that I had actually run out of willpower.

This is an ingenious solution to a common problem. From my friend Maggie.

From the NEC Bridge site, an article written for visual artists, but which applies to musicians as well.

A blast from the past: I used to read Dave Barry's column regularly as a kid. From my parents.

And finally, upon hearing that I am interested in new music, contemporary composer Julia Laylander dropped me a line. I want to highlight her website as the way to do it right - if conductors can both see a score and hear the music, our lives are much easier!


  1. Calen Neelon, otherwise known as Sonik, is a fantastic street artist with a great sense of humor.

  2. I had no idea! I got that link from a music website (of course!)
